Category : App Development

Native or Hybrid app: What to Choose?

Today the majority of companies are increasingly using digital products to address industry-specific challenges, for instance, enhance customer loyalty and experience, automate reporting, boost sales, or improve document management.  But mobile app development is an expensive investment. When you want one for your business, the next big question is ‘which development approach to choose for […]

Migration Plan To The All New Vue JS 3

Vue 3 is here and everyone is looking forward to catching up with the upgrade ASAP. Vue JS is the best client-side framework out there! It has improved its bundle size and performance under the hood, making this new version appealing to the developers.  What’s the catch? Some breaking changes, deprecations, and new syntax might […]

Why you should partner with a development agency?

As a creative agency, it is imperative for you that your product is developed exactly as you envisioned without countless iterations and unreasonable overheads. That is where a professional development agency or digital production experts come into the picture. Here are some compelling reasons for a creative agency to hire a software development partner. Saves […]

Atom vs Sublime: Which Text Editor to choose in 2024?

The coding landscape is ever-evolving, with AI-powered editors like GitHub Codespaces emerging alongside powerhouses like Visual Studio Code. Yet, many developers still choose the familiar battleground: Atom vs. Sublime Text. Both offer extensive customization and loyal communities, but which reigns supreme in 2024? Choosing the right text editor isn’t just about personal preference; it’s a […]

Why it is better to partner with a Digital Agency than Freelancers?

Your business is growing and your team is doing their best to meet the tight deadlines and increased workload. You may be exploring the idea of outsourcing some of your web and mobile design and development projects. The next logical question is to outsource to a digital agency, or hire a freelancer? I’m sure you’ve […]

Why it’s a bad idea to ignore older adults from your app demographics

Modern technology has two problems: Devices have too many integrated features and everything is smaller. A good implementation of more-than-what’s-necessary features can give some users an all-in-one experience. While a bad implementation can make it a nightmare to use for an often ignored demographic which is older adults. Who exactly are these older adults: Older […]

Kotlin 1.3.50 | More than just a performance upgrade

Kotlin has emerged as both substitute and supplement to C++ and Java. In 2018, the language had over 96,000 repositories on GitHub and had already reached 1.5M+ users. More than 50% of professional Android developers now use the language to develop their apps. Google claims that this figure will increase dramatically. Since in future Kotlin […]

Google Rolls Out Mobile-First Indexing for Web Content

Google recently announced Mobile-First Indexing after a year and half of extensive experimenting and testing. The search engine giant will start migrating sites that follow best practices for Mobile-First Indexing. Google’s algorithm will now prioritize websites with a mobile version when searched from a smartphone. It will now consider mobile sites as the first node […]