Category : Galaxy Admin

Leveraging the Global Talent Pool: 5 Data-Fueled Strategies for Startup Growth in 2024

Forget the bootstrapping blues and one-man-band days. In 2024, smart startups will unlock explosive growth by tapping into the global talent pool through strategic outsourcing. It’s not just about cutting costs anymore; it’s about accessing niche expertise, scaling operations like never before, and igniting innovation. But navigating this dynamic landscape can be tricky. Worry not, […]

Key Highlights and Major Updates from OpenAI’s DevDay 2023

OpenAI’s DevDay 2023, held at San Francisco’s SVN West venue, marked a significant moment in the field of artificial intelligence. The event began with a keynote by Sam Altman, who highlighted a series of groundbreaking innovations and significant announcements setting the tone for an extraordinary gathering of tech enthusiasts. During the event, Sam Altman extended […]

Freelance Brilliance or Bust: What You Must Know Before Bringing a Freelancer On Board

In the modern business landscape, the dynamics of work have undergone a significant shift. Traditional employment models are giving way to a more flexible approach, with companies increasingly turning to freelancers for a variety of reasons. where agility and expertise are prized, the decision of whether to hire a freelancer or collaborate with an agency […]

How To Build An MVP That Helps You Raise Investment For Your Startup Idea

According to Moneyzine report of 2023, 47% of startups eventually fail due to a lack of funding. These startups struggle to secure funding due to the lack of a compelling business model, insufficient market research, inexperienced team, and an absence of demonstrated traction. To overcome hurdles and increase chances of success, startups need to effectively […]

The 2023 MVP Development Checklist For Startups To Start Your Unicorn Journey

56% of startups fail simply because they ignore product market fit or product validation before they skip the process of validating the market and directly proceed to develop a full-fledged product.  The challenge in creating a complete product is that it needs a significant investment of around $50,000 to $100,000. Additionally, it usually takes a […]

The Case for Web Accessibility: Why it’s Not Just a Priority, But a Necessity in 2023

Are you among the many business owners who think web accessibility is just a buzzword that doesn’t concern you? Think again! In today’s digital world, having a website is essential for every business, and web accessibility is no longer a luxury but a necessity. With 1.3 billion people worldwide living with disabilities, businesses cannot afford to ignore […]

Top 5 Tips for Keeping Your E-commerce Website Running Smoothly

Your website is live, the product catalog is all set, and marketing is 100% on point. Now just imagine the horror of people leaving your website without any purchases. Why? Because your website lacks proper configuration.  Scary, isn’t it? Running an e-commerce website can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially for small and medium-sized […]

9 Reasons Why you Should Not Accept Auto Update of Google for GA4

Are you aware of the auto-update functionality of GA4? Before you consider clicking that button, you need to understand the risks involved. Yes, there are risks. GA4 is different from UA in several aspects, especially in the way it is configured. It is important to carefully weigh the risks and benefits of auto-updating versus conducting […]

10 Tips For Ensuring The Security Of Your Custom Software Solution

One of the most high-profile security breaches in recent years was the Zoom incident in 2020, where personal information of over 2.5 million users was found to be for sale on the dark web due to a vulnerability in the software. In the same year, Microsoft disclosed that it had suffered a data breach that […]

How to Improve Overall Performance & Security For Any eCommerce Website In 2023

The eCommerce industry has seen remarkable growth in recent years, with global eCommerce sales reaching $4.9 trillion in 2021. However, as eCommerce businesses become more prevalent, they also become prime targets for cyber attacks, putting pressure on maintaining website performance and security. In fact, according to a report by Security Magazine, eCommerce websites are a […]