Category : UX

Top 7 User Frustrations on the Web and How To Fix Them

What were the most challenging aspects of the website’s user interface that you encountered today? Users are often dissatisfied with minor details that go unnoticed. Vitaly Friedman, the famous author of Smashing Magazine, summarized the key areas that may exasperate your users. If you do not fix these issues on your website, it may harm […]

5 Tell-tale signs that your mobile app needs a design overhaul

With hundreds of apps being released every day, keeping up with the competition has become quite difficult. Testing and developing an app is still fine, but keeping up with daily challenges and new user requirements can be a mammoth task. Moreover, most people either wait too long before making a redesign (which can be critical, […]

Why is the Offshore Model better for UX design projects?

Note: This is an updated version of “Offshore UX | An option or need of the hour?” initially published on May 26, 2020.  The world of business has changed dramatically since the pandemic. Real-time data and advanced analytics tools allowed the companies to adapt their strategy instantaneously. As witnessed after the outbreak of COVID-19, technology […]

Transforming Businesses Through Effective UX Audit

Did you know that a well-designed user interface could raise a website’s conversion rate by up to 200%, and a better UX design could yield conversion rates up to 400%? This isn’t just a statistic; it’s a wake-up call for businesses to recognize the immense potential of a robust UX strategy.  In the digital world, […]

4 Ways A UX Designer Helps You Deliver A Better Product Experience

“User experience is everything that touches a product …more than just an app it’s the experience of the whole system around it.” – Don Norman, who coined the term ‘User Experience’ When you enter your destination into a rideshare app or check your social media notifications, you’re interacting with a screen — but also, with […]

9 UX trends that are here to stay in 2021

New trends are emerging in every industry vertical, UX included. To keep business thriving, you have to be quick to recognize, analyze and implement trends on priority. Furthermore, any enhancement in the visual aspects of your product would lead to a higher recall from the users.  Our experts can not stop themselves from trying new […]

What Are the Best Practices of Outsourcing UX/UI?

UI/UX is the backbone of any product as it is the first thing that users notice or are drawn towards when they visit a website or start using an application. The success of your company is largely determined by how happy your customers are with your product offerings. This is the reason why businesses are […]

How to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes During the UX Design Phase?

User Experience (UX) has become an essential part of any online business’ success in building a connection between your users and your brand. UX is a foundational pillar of all marketing efforts for any company focusing on online business, as great user experience delights your customers, creates loyal satisfied customer base, and helps reach out […]

Best Automation Testing Tools For Visual QA

Where did the submit button vanish? Why is there an overlapping of text?  Is the button size right for smaller screens?  Visual QA can save you from numerous uncomfortable situations. Furthermore, to contribute to an already back-breaking pressure of nearing deadlines, these questions are often raised at the worst possible times, mostly post-launch of your […]

GWL 2020 Wrapped: Top 10 Blogs You Must Read for App/Website Design & Development

At Galaxy Weblinks, we build high-performing software solutions that help teams scale. And write about it in the process. You may have spotted us on some of the popular platforms such as Hackernoon, The Startup, Level Up Coding, and Muzli to name a few. In hopes of helping you fine-tune your design and development strategy, […]