• 4D Website Audit
  • Fractional CTO Service
  • Customized Pitch Deck
  • Product Discovery Service

From Struggle to Skyrocket: Galaxy’s $99 Startup Lifeline

2023 threw curveballs at many startups. We saw dreams deferred, hope dimmed, and the weight of challenges pressing down. But at Galaxy, we believe in your potential.

Your passion, your ideas – they deserve a chance to shine. That’s why we’re offering essential services like 4D Audits and Fractional CTOs at a price that’s accessible – just $99.

It’s not just a discount, it’s a hand extended in solidarity. It’s a chance to turn those embers of hope into a blazing success story. Join us. Let’s transform 2024 into the year your startup takes flight and leaves its mark on the world.

Exclusive Offers For You

95% OFF
$2000 $99

4D Website Audit Service

Identify optimization opportunities, eliminate vulnerabilities, and ensure an accessible experience for all users.

  • Unlock hidden potential and maximize your online presence
  • 4 key dimensions: SEO, Performance, Security, and Accessibility
  • Drive organic traffic, boost conversion rates, and achieve sustainable online success
80% OFF
$500 $99

10 Hrs of Fractional CTO Service

Access the expertise of a seasoned tech leader without the full-time commitment or cost. Gain strategic guidance, expert execution, and operational leadership to build and manage your tech team effectively. Navigate the complex tech landscape confidently, adapt to new opportunities quickly, and unlock the power of a dedicated tech expert.

  • Strategic guidance: Develop a winning tech strategy aligned with your business goals.
  • Expert execution: Implement the strategy with proven methodologies and tools.
  • Operational leadership: Build and manage your tech team for optimal performance.
  • Reduced risk: Navigate the ever-changing tech landscape confidently.
  • Increased agility: Adapt to new opportunities and challenges quickly
90% OFF
$1000 $99

Customized Pitch Deck Service

Captivate potential investors with a compelling narrative that showcases your unique value proposition. We work closely with you to craft a tailor-made deck featuring market-driven insights, powerful storytelling, and visually captivating design. Stand out from the crowd, leave a lasting impression, and raise the capital you need to fuel your business growth.

  • Tailor-made for your business: Unique story, honed to resonate with your target investors.
  • Market-driven insights: Compelling data to showcase your market potential.
  • Expert storytelling: Powerful narrative that connects with investors emotionally.
  • Visually captivating: Stunning design to hold attention and leave a lasting impression.
  • Investor-ready: Confidently walk into the room and close the deal.
98% OFF
$5000 $99

Product Discovery Service

Launch your innovative product with confidence and minimize the risk of failure. Our comprehensive process validates your idea, reveals deep user insights, and helps you build a market-driven roadmap. Gather valuable feedback and ensure your product resonates with your target audience.

  • Deep user understanding: Uncover the needs, wants, and pain points of your target audience.
  • Market validation: Ensure your product idea has market potential and avoid costly mistakes.
  • Product roadmap: Develop a clear roadmap for product development, launch, and growth.
  • Reduced risk: Minimize the chance of failure and increase your chances of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

We believe that every entrepreneur deserves access to the tools and resources they need to succeed. By offering our services at a significantly reduced price, we aim to remove financial barriers and empower startups to reach their full potential.

Any startup, regardless of size or industry, is eligible for this offer. All we need is your passion, dedication, and a vision for the future.

We offer a range of essential services designed to propel your startup forward. This includes 4D Audits for optimizing your online presence, Fractional CTOs for expert tech guidance, Product Discovery to validate your idea and build a roadmap, and Customized Investor Pitch Decks to captivate potential investors.

Absolutely not! There are no hidden fees or strings attached. We simply want to help startups succeed in 2024 and beyond.

It’s easy! Simply browse our service descriptions, choose the ones that best meet your needs, and purchase it using our 1-step checkout process. We’re excited to partner with you on your entrepreneurial journey.